Love and Kindness! Finding these qualities in the world today
can be like searching through a pile of wet molding leaves for
a one-millimeter diamond. But generating loving kindness
from within is an enduring practice that will lead you again
and again back to your Higher Self.
All that stands in the way of your peace will need to be.
recognized (RE-COGNIZED) and healed. There are many ways to
do this. I am an extremely sensitive person. I am also a dancer.
and I relate to movement in space as sculpting energy.
Dance has always provided a fertile ground for prayer for
me. Dance and prayer have always been intrinsically
intertwined in my world. This kind of prayer is more a heart-
thinking activity...a moving of the frequency of LOVE in
thought and a moving of the frequency of LOVE through my
physical and subtle bodies.
When my paternal grandmother passed away, I asked my
parents if I may go to my ballet class. I was 12 years old. As I
followed the structured movements I prayed my love to her
soul and consecrated it to safe passage with the power of my
love. The sacred repetion of the ballet class, the classical
piano music and inherant re’ve’rence allowed me a structure
to say my fare-thee-well and connect my beautiful soul to
I struggle to place a name upon the dance/ movement that I’m
interested in. It is born out of influences from my life.
It is also influenced from experiences I carry within. Some of
my earliest memories, before age 3, I was shown visions of my
future: primarily regarding dance, live performance and the
interchange between myself and the audience. It looked like
the infinity lemniscate (♾️) and I knew it had to
do with the great powers contained within my heart and my
ability to stimulate the heart-forces in the audience.
Its present evolution moves in a very exciting direction!
You don’t need to be a dancer. All you need is a willingness.
Even if all you can do is sit, if you have a heart and an
imagination, you’ve got what you need. I’ll help you with the
rest. What is the rest?
I can teach you to experience yourself within your own
etheric or life body.
I can teach you to perceive where and how YOUR subtle
energies flow or are blocked and where emotional data is stored.
We can than work on the ideas behind these blockages. We can
examine the stories, the belief systems, always based in FEAR,
that presently hold you prisoner or hold your dreams at bay.
Having trouble finding your dreams? Obtaining proficency in
feeling and visualizing your sacred energy centers (chakras)
is your birthright!
Our chakras are vortices that receive emotional data. This
entire life is a lesson in unconditional LOVE. Thoughts are
bioelectrical, and they carry a charge. Living in the past
leads to depression. Worring about the future leads to
anxiety. Creating space in the present moment leads to the
center point of the lemniscate. (♾️) The zero-
point. Its finest expression being that of an inward neutrality.
sculpted from LOVE......where the frequency of love carves
intelligent space to witness, name, bless and heal. It is a deep
allowing. It is the momentary stillness between breaths, and its
the “location” of co-creative power. Does this sound totally
abstract? Gobbledygook? I promise two things. 1) it is not, and 2)
I can help you to experience your senses in ways you have not
known. Truely helpful, hopeful and healing ways.