The Spiritual Arts for the New Human come into creation to help us awaken to, learn how to use, and embody our divinely given multidementional nature. It is who we are and it has to do with awakening dormant layers of our beings. This is represented in our profoundly beautiful DNA structures.
The Spiritual Arts for the New Human have everything to do with the present evolution of our consciousness. This is our individual and collective consciousness. It is our futures drawing us forward (such as we grasp in a time/ space reality). This evolutionary retrocausality is our future in-forming and influencing our present experience which works its way into our past. It is awakening to our multidementional natures and learning to utilize these faculties of perception in our fullest consecrated autonomy.
It is evolution through co-creation at its next levels, or revolutions of (new- to- our- present- selves) octives or points on a frequency-spiral. All of our new and developing inner senses of perception are in various stages of awakening, like tiny seeds embedded under the shelter of the forces of love deep in the earth. Our beings hear the calls and awaken! These inner- seed-form awarenesses are being nourished and protected in the love- frequencies of our soul/ spiritual realities. Our growing roles in co-creation become an evolving form of LOGOS, or the living word made flesh (substantial) by our own conscious interacting with the highest creative frequencies and living principals and beings. Thought forms, or intelligent energy frequencies focusing so strongly that it forms beingness. This is how I see and experience this co-creation.
My role as an artist is to demonstrate this universal multidementional soul/ spiritual reality. My role is to bring the integration of interdementional presence to humanity. My movement/ prayer art embodies this. My readings and energy work embody this. My writing often contains the need for new lexicon to describe adequetly and creativly pheneomena of a soul/ spiritual nature. When I teach meditation this is the work. Uncovering the hidden and bringing it into the sunlight of the Spirit where it is available to heal the world. When I work with clients I assist in their awarenesses awakening. I am a teacher by nature. I am an interested observer. My eyes grow keener in detecting your beautiful light coming through. My eyes grow keener in seeing through the dark, the unknown, unhealed, negelected, abandoned areas. Once acknowledged, these hidden obsticles become our assets and we integrate. What we integrate works
its way through our genetic family lines healing the past and future. Think here of time as dimensions.
The Spiritual Arts for the New Human are often simple and direct, yet not easy in the sense that they take time, energy, interest and work. Happily, we have within us all the tools needed.
When I work with clients, the messages are always of a Helpful, Hopeful and Healing nature. Even when the insights are painful, they are helpful in that they are leading us on a journey. The most exciting, expansive journey to embody as much of our Spiritual nature as possible. This blessed journey of my own integration of fragments of soul/ spiritual self led me to the concept of LOVE YOUR PATH .Those we will meet along the way will be vibrational matches either to lessons mirroring what our higher selves want us to learn or to beings, energies, frequencies that inform and support our shinning forth into all worlds.
Our precious faculties of discernment must be developed and come into play all along so we feel safe and grounded and so we can decide the kinds of experiences and energies we are in agreement to let in. I can help anyone with this process and this is my art.
Thank you for exploring some of these nuances with me and I hope to meet you along this amazing inward and outward journey!
Ellie Cowan-Bovitz 3/20/23